So people I guess don't believe me when I say that Jillian makes a mess fast. They always say, "well weren't you watching her?!?!" No I don't watch her at all, in fact, I leave her in the house all by herself while I go run errands and get my nails done! Come on people, Seriously? I leave for a second to go potty or wash my hands or plug in my phone or answer the door or fix jill a snack and its like a tornado went off. This "little" tornado was done in a little less than 20 min TOPS while I was doing the dishes. I say "Little" because shes actually done worse before and made not only messy with toys but messy with POOP too! :)



Workout: I cleaned instead of doing my Recovery Core Cardio and Balance
Breakfast-Cereal with a banana
Lunch-Protein Shake
Snack-Banana and granola
Dinner-Zac's Stir-Fry and Asparagus
Please don't judge me for using a Christmas Plate!
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