Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 19-Lucid Dreamer!

Some of you may not know this personal tidbit about myself but im a Lucid dreamer. When I was younger I use to put myself in a kind of trans-like state in order to fall asleep. I would begin dreaming by making a pure white canvas, kinda like a screen. For a long time I have had to do this and if you read in a previous blog( sometimes I wake up paralyzed. Here is a brief explanation as to why sometimes I would wake up in a paralyzed state. Although, its not the ONLY reason but it does play a factor.

"Sleep paralysis[edit]

Main article: Sleep paralysis
During sleep the body paralyzes itself as a protection mechanism to prevent the movements that occur in the dream from causing the physical body to move. However, this mechanism can be triggered before, during, or after normal sleep while the brain awakens. This can lead to a state where the awakened sleeper feels paralyzed. Hypnagogic hallucination may occur in this state, especially auditory ones. Effects of sleep paralysis include heaviness or inability to move the muscles, rushing or pulsating noises, and brief hypnogogic or hypnopompic imagery.("

I do dream like regular people I can just control the outcome. What I cant control however are Nightmares. Let me rephrase that, I can control nightmares but it is extremely hard and often requires me to wake up and stay awake and think about that dream over and over and over. Im also an insomniac and take medications to help me sleep. So it would really be counter productive for me to wake up and stay awake when im supposed to be sleeping. Over the past week ive been having the same recurring nightmare. Im not going to go into details about it because its personal and heartbreaking. Its left me in the morning, to wake up EXTREMELY depressed and hard for me to get out of bed. Ive been able to get the strength to get my workouts done but it has still left me, after my workouts, depressed. Its something im going to have to work through and gain strength from. Im just grateful for my husband who can sense me and know when to "baby" me. He really is the only one besides children of course that can make me laugh and feel better. I Love you Z!

Workout: I actually did 2 today since i didnt do my scheduled one yesterday, Cardio Power and Resistance and Cardio Recovery.

Lunch-Protein Shake
Snacks-banana and apple
Dinner-Z's Stir-fry and baked asparagus

Anyways, thanks for reading and I Love Y'all!!! 

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