Here's a little collection of photos of jillian
Shes our little miracle baby and shes so sweet, loving, happy, energetic and CRAZY! Shes the best thing that could have come into our lives and im so grateful that I get to be her mom!
I asked jillian what she wanted for breakfast this morning and she told me that she wanted eggs. She then proceeded to open up the fridge and realised there was also strawberries in there. so she took the strawberries out and gave them to me and as i was cutting them and as they hit the bowl she quickly snatched them up to eat them. She LOVES to help mommy in the kitchen and even has little stool she stands on.

Jillian's Breakfast My breakfast
Workout: It was really hard for me to be motivated today, one because I wanted to play and love on my baby girl because it was her special day and two because I was having a lot of extreme pain in my back. It wasnt because of the workouts but often happens when I get out of bed too fast. Sometimes I wake up paralyzed and in extreme pain, without any signs or warnings. That's part of the reason I want to get better and get off my meds. But anyways, I pushed through what was supposed to be an easy day of cardio recovery and wen to the pool to cool off and go swimming. Its one of Jillians fav activities!
Breakfast: Yogurt, blueberries and granola(I think I put too much granola but oh well)
Snacks: Strawberries and carrots
Lunch: Protein Shake(6oz vanilla almond milk and 1 scoop protein powder)
Dinner: Chicken, Broccolini, and roasted red potatoes-We celebrated jillians birthday at the Macaroni Grill and I ate way too much!!!!!
We got to "Facetime" Grandma at dinner and open up the presents she sent out in the mail. Here's some pictures at dinner and when we opened up the rest of the presents at home.
This was the best photo we could get. She was moving around too much!
Sitting pretty!
The little dinosaur is a night light she can hold and it changes all different colors!
Anyways, thanks for sharing this most special day with us! Love you all!!!
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