"Motivate Me"

So I realized that I haven't blogged in quite a long time and decided to give y'all the heads up on the route I will be taking my blog for the next Phase of my life. I feel like if I don't Blog about changing my life that it will never change. So if I Blog about what i'm doing each day/week I will be more committed to making changes within my life and sharing my journey with you. My life I feel has been pretty private, even sometimes with my family. I don't want to go too much into details of the trials I've gone through in my life but due to health issues and dealing with daily depression, my weight has skyrocketed into the 250 pound range. That was VERY hard for me to admit just now! But my body has recovered enough to where my Doctor has approved me to start exercising as long as my heart can withstand it. My End Term Goal is to be off my Medications, Happy, Healthy and to bring a healthy baby into this world! I have a Long Journey to go and it may take a couple years but I ask for your help to, "Motivate Me," to get to my End Term Goals.
What does "Motivate Me" mean, you ask?
Good Question: "Motivate Me" is just as it sounds, Motivating me one pound at a time! With every pound I lose, I've written down things or "Gifts" that correlate with each pound. My 100 pound(Goal weight of 150lbs) "Gift" will be to start the process of having another child and because its my 100 pounds lost goal, I thought it only appropriate to go on a Cruise! I realize that it is going to take a long time but we all got to start somewhere! So I ask you, Family and Friends, please sign up for whatever weight goal you think I can or cant reach, than, sponsor me with something I can look forward to. It can be anything, a hand-written note, a Skype session, a painted picture, a music playlist, a girls night out, a phone call, a text, ANYTHING!! It doesn't have to cost anything, I just want to know I have the love of my Family and Friends supporting me through my journey of becoming healthier.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read and go through this Blog as I start my journey. If you have any tips or ideas on how I can continue to stay healthy throughout this process, please dont hesitate to leave comments down below, e-mail me at
jenae.corbeil@yahoo.com or even
Facebook me. Down below is also the List of each pound and who is sponsoring me(you can also remain anonymous if you want) with each "Gift." Thanks again for reading and supporting me, I love you all and I look forward to this next phase of my life and having you travel with me!
246-Workout CD(
Alyssa Corbeil)
245-E.O.S. Lip or hand cream(
Zac Williamson)
244-Book of my Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
241-Healthy Motivation Box!(
Sarah Roth)
240-$10 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
238-Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
237-Living Scriptures DVD(
Zac Williamson)
236-Some "Pretty-Pretties" (
My Love Adri)
235-Massage From a Legit Place(
Zac Williamson)
234-Care Package in the Mail(
Alyssa Corbeil)
233-Book of my Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
231-Book, Cd, or DVD From Deseret Book(
Kristin Motter)
230-$20 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
228-Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
225-New Shoes(
Zac Williamson)
222-Book of Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
220-$30 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
218- Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
217-Living Scriptures DVD(
Zac Williamson)
215-New Shoes(
Zac Williamson)
213-Healthy Motivation Box!(
Sarah Roth)
212-Package from Chole(
Chole Hilsdorf)
211-Book of Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
210-$40 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
209-Challenge of a Before/After Pic(
Alyssa Corbeil)
208- Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
206- Buy a Dress Form(
Zac Williamson)
205-New Shoes(
Zac Williamson)
204-Any Size Canvas Painting of Choice!!!(
Alyssa Corbeil)
203-Norwex Cleaning Supplies(
Marie Heimann)
202-$50 G.C. to Kohls!(
My Love Adri)
201-$50 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
200-Sewing Machine(
Zac Williamson)
199-Book of Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
198-Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
197-Hair Cut, Color and Style(
Cami Muir)
195-Fancy Dinner Date(
Zac Williamson)
Brandy Anderson)
193-Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
191-Edible Arrangements(
Alyssa Corbeil)
190-$60 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
188-Book of Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
187-Living Scripture DVD(
Zac Williamson)
185-New Shoes(
Zac Williamson)
184-Challenge to Participate and Complete a 5K(
Katie Robertson)
183-Go to a Salon(
Zac Williamson)
181-$70 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
180-New Wardrobe(
Zac Williamson)
178-Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
177-Book of Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
175-New Shoes(
Zac Williamson)
174-Healthy Motivation Box!(
Sarah Roth)
173-$70 G.C. to Pampered Chef(
Alyssa Corbeil)
172- Take a Mini-Vacation to an Indoor Water-park!(
Zac Williamson)
170-$80 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
168-Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
167-Living Scriptures DVD(
Zac Williamson)
166-Book of Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
165-New Shoes(
Zac Williamson)
163-Clothing worth $50(
Dianah and Brett Williamson)
161-Buy a New Car!(
Zac Williamson)
160-$90 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
158-Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
155-Book of Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
154-Healthy Motivation Box(
Sarah Roth)
153-Go to a Salon(
Zac Williamson)
152-$25 G.C. for a New Bathing Suit!!(
Gina May)
151-$100 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
100 POUNDS LOST-Baby and CRUISE!!!!!!(
Zac Williamson)
149-Something From Victoria Secret(
Rochelle Maki Almost put Corbeil lol!)
148-$100 G.C. for Losing 100 lbs to use on clothes(
Alyssa Corbeil)
147-Living Scripture DVD(
Zac Williamson)
145-New Shoes(
Zac Williamson)
144-Book of Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
140-$110 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
139-Girls Getaway Weekend!!!!(
My Love Adri)
138-Get Nails Done(
Zac Williamson)
137-Living Scriptures DVD(
Zac Williamson)
136-Ssa will Come for a Visit!!(
Alyssa Corbeil)
135-New Shoes(
Zac Williamson)
134-Being Debt Free(
Zac Williamson)
133-Book of Choosing(
Zac Williamson)
132-Go to a Salon(
Zac Williamson)
131-$120 G.C. to Target(
Zac Williamson)
130-Cosmetic Mommy Makeover!(
Zac Williamson)